(Orange & Purple)
News of border conflicts in North eastern States of India has
become a common feature.
Juiphool(Orange and Purple )is a tale of two mothers from a
conflict area of Assam and Nagaland borders of India, where the
routine of the villagers of Naragaon of Assam have altered
totally - vigilant at night, rest during day. Lakhimi, a pregnant
Assamese widow of violence develops a secret bonding with
a Naga Women Rengma who suffers repeated miscarriages.
The villagers got suspicious about Lakhimi ‘s secret
relationship and lay in siege to catch Lakhimi.
An Assamese folk tale -Tula Aru Teja, with a similar storyline
as is being depicted runs along through the voices of Gita and
her mother -the victim of violence of border conflicts

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